Tuesday, April 2, 2024


मयंक यादव, IPL 2024 में लखनऊ सुपर जायंट्स (LSG) के लिए एक तेज गेंदबाज़, दो लगातार मैचों में शानदार प्रदर्शन किया। RCB के खिलाफ हुए मैच में, मयंक ने 14 रन पर तीन विकेट लेकर LSG को 28 रनों से जीत में मदद की। 182 रनों का लक्ष्य अवलोकन करते हुए, RCB ने फाफ डू प्लेसिस और विराट कोहली के नेतृत्व में 40 रनों की अच्छी शुरुआत की। हालांकि, मयंक की उत्कृष्ट गेंदबाज़ी ने खेल को बदल दिया जब उन्होंने कोहली और मैक्सवेल जैसे महत्वपूर्ण RCB बल्लेबाज़ों को बाहर कर दिया। LSG की जीत को बड़े हिस्से में मयंक की बेरजत पाटिदार (21 गेंदों में 29 रन) ने कुछ समर्थन के साथ रिटायरमेंट के लिए कुछ प्रयास किया। हालांकि, मांगते समय के बढ़ने के साथ-साथ, RCB पर दबाव बढ़ा। बाद में, एनुज रावत के समर्थन के साथ रजत पाटिदार को बाहर करने के लिए मयंक वापस लौटे, जो अपनी तीसरी विकेट के लिए बाहर किए गए, जो पुल के पास कोशिश करते समय डीप स्क्वेयर-लेग पर कैद हो गए। अंत में, RCB को महिपाल लोमरोर ने कुछ शानदार हमलों के साथ उम्मीद में रखा जब वह एक 13-गेंद के 33 रन तक पहुंचे और फिर एक को लॉन्ग-ऑफ के पास मारा। यश ठाकुर और नवीन-उल-हक ने मयंक के आवाज के बाद जीत को सील करने के लिए LSG के लिए महत्वपूर्ण धक्के दिए। दिन की पहली बार, RCB के कप्तान डू प्लेसिस ने LSG को बल्लेबाज़ी के लिए डाल दिया। उनकी पारी को बड़े हिस्से में क्विंटन डी कॉक ने आधारित किया, जिन्होंने पहले ओवर में रीस टोप्ली द्वारा चार के लिए चोट का संकेत दिया और एक कट द्वारा पाइंट के माध्यम से कट किया। तीसरे ओवर में, उन्होंने मोहम्मद सिराज को फाइन-लेग के ऊपर फ्लिक किया, मैच का पहला छक्का। अगली गेंद भी दूसरे छक्के के लिए स्क्वेयर लेग के ऊपर फ्लॉफ्ट की गई।हतरीन गेंदबाज़ी के लिए समर्पित किया गया।

Monday, September 25, 2023

4 hours of hard work every day and earning Rs 2000 from this business – Business

Business Idea: Friends, due to increasing population, the problems of unemployment and inflation in the country have become important issues for India. These problems are increasing in both rural and urban areas, due to which the common man is facing economic and social problems. The biggest impact of this problem is on young people, who are facing difficulties in obtaining positions at the beginning of their careers. Youth often think of going to other states for employment, but after reaching there they have to face many problems, such as lack of basic needs, lack of social security, and living away from family, etc.

To solve this problem, some state governments have taken steps to encourage educated and uneducated unemployed to start businesses. They are helping them to start businesses by providing loan and subsidy facilities. Apart from this, the Modi government is also providing loans to set up industries under the Mudra scheme, thereby promoting the establishment of new businesses.
Business Idea: Do business with an investment of Rs 8000
If you are looking for a unique business idea that requires only an investment of around Rs 8,000, then this conversation will give you detailed information about it. This business idea can be seen as a special strategic approach and solution to financial problems, which will lead to judicious use of your money. It can be started without huge investment, so your finances will be safe.

Morning and evening breakfast stall business is a business in which you can sell breakfast and tea items in your local market or city. This business can usually be established near roadsides, office areas, colleges or other business areas. Its main goal is to provide people with a healthy and tasty option for quick breakfast in the morning and evening.

To start this business, you will need to set up a stall or a small shop with the ingredients required to make and sell breakfast items such as sandwiches, paranthas, poha, idli, and a variety of tea options. You will need a good cook and utensils to provide delicious and healthy breakfast options.

Business Idea: Do business with an investment of Rs 8000
If you are looking for a unique business idea that requires only an investment of around Rs 8,000, then this conversation will give you detailed information about it. This business idea can be seen as a special strategic approach and solution to financial problems, which will lead to judicious use of your money. It can be started without huge investment, so your finances will be safe.

Morning and evening breakfast stall business is a business in which you can sell breakfast and tea items in your local market or city. This business can usually be established near roadsides, office areas, colleges or other business areas. Its main goal is to provide people with a healthy and tasty option for quick breakfast in the morning and evening.

To start this business, you will need to set up a stall or a small shop with the ingredients required to make and sell breakfast items such as sandwiches, paranthas, poha, idli, and a variety of tea options. You will need a good cook and utensils to provide delicious and healthy breakfast options.

start up costs
The cost of food storage materials will depend on your budget. Here you will find some detailed information about the cost of supply of various materials:

Food Containers: Depending on your needs and quality, food containers can cost around ₹500 to ₹1,500.

Folding Table: A foldable food service table can cost around ₹2,500, but can be less depending on the brand and design.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Do this business sitting in the village and you will get ₹ 30000 per month - BUSINESS IDEA


BUSINESS IDEA: If you want to earn more than Rs 30 thousand in the village, then start this rural business today itself. Nowadays people are creating new businesses and producing, because inflation is at its peak, youth looking for employment are getting employment. Have to wander.

In such a situation, there is no other option left except starting one's own business, but before moving forward in the field of business, people face a challenge, that is to do a business which gives good profits. Many people are also looking for business ideas. So let us clear your confusion and know the business ideas to start in the village, but before that please read this article completely. Which you should understand thoroughly because half-baked knowledge is like poison.

Here is a rural business Idea
Village Business: Wait, it's not the business you think. Let us tell you, gram is a nutritious food and its products are widely available in our country also. And various types of products are also made from gram like – gram dal, namkeen are also made from gram. And who knows how many types of products are made, so you can do business of this gram in this way – buy gram, sprout it, sell it from a cart in the market at any nook, street, intersection. , We tell you that this is a very demanding business, you can start it from your village with just one week's salary, believe me you can earn good profits.

Buying gram: For this you will have to buy gram, for this you should directly contact the farmer brothers and buy gram at a cheaper price than going to any market, because gram will be expensive if bought from the market, hence this is a good option. Buy by contacting farmer brothers. Brother.

Provide materials: Before starting gram business, prepare the materials for gram, for this first you have to soak the gram in water and germinate it. Then you will need a box to keep onions, tomatoes, raw chillies, radishes, carrots, salt, tilapia and drinking water.

Cart Required: You will also need a cart for this, you can arrange for it or you can buy it. We tell you that you can easily get it at the lowest price in the villages. Apart from this, you will have to select those places in your nearest markets where the maximum crowd gathers.

Selling Gram: Now you can go to your nearest market and sell products made from gram at reasonable prices, we tell you that people love to eat them and if the sellers are to be believed, they earn lakhs.

Know how much benefit this will bring
Gram business has grown very fast and people also like to eat spicy gram, hence the profit is also increasing, I don't know why but in our country India, the mentality of some people regarding small business is very wrong. But we always say that every big thing starts small. At present the price of gram is Rs 10 per plate and if the place where you sell gram is good then you can earn more than Rs 30 thousand every month. If you get more customers, it can double your income.

Do this business better than 10 hours of slavery, you will earn Rs 20000 per month – Business Idea

Business Idea
Business Idea: If you want to create your own identity then you will have to focus on becoming rich. The job in which you get only Rs 10 or 15 thousand is for 12 hours. In such a situation, it is appropriate to think about how the financial condition of the house will improve. If you want to eradicate poverty then you should start your own business.

Doing business gives us the opportunity to pursue good ideas. In exchange of 12 hours of work, you will get a chance to earn 30 to 40 thousand rupees per month by setting up your own business. There comes a time in everyone's life when the opportunity to become rich comes. We should take advantage of this opportunity. Otherwise, time is moving towards us and we will be distracted if we miss this opportunity.

Wisdom says live a good life and create your own identity by starting your own small business. If you are also looking for a similar business, then we have brought a great business idea for you. All the information from beginning to cost and profits is given further in the article.

In today's era, the demand for photocopying, print out, lamination and similar services has increased significantly in the market. People go to photocopy shops and take Xerox copies of their Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Voter Card, Passport and other documents and get them laminated.

When they require railway tickets and other printouts, they visit the respective shops. The development of digital technology in the modern era has further increased this demand. Therefore the profit in photocopy business is very high. So, this time we have brought for you business ideas of photocopying, print out and lamination. If you start this business then you can earn Rs 25000 every month. Let us know how?

If you open such a photocopy shop, it will definitely work.
Friends, print out machine and lamination machine will be required at the photocopy shop. Along with this, you can also keep sales items like paper files, plastic files, registers, copies, pens, pencils and other materials in your shop.

You will have to rent a shop to keep these materials and run the business. After this the shop will have to be given a good name. For example, you can name it “Vyas Photocopy Center & Print Out” or “Photostat Shop”. Also note that we have photostat, lamination and print out services as well as pens, pencils, paper files and plastic files.

To start a photocopy shop business, you will need a shop. For this you will have to contact the shop owner and make an agreement for a certain period. This will ensure that you do not face any problems in the future. You can rent opposite the court, near the shop block. Because shops like Xerox, Print out, Lamination work easily at this place.

Total cost Rs. will happened

To start a photocopying business, you will need some essential equipment. These devices may include-

Photocopy Machine: You will need a photocopy machine that can give you good quality photocopies. These will be the basic equipment of your business and hence you should select the right quality machine.

Paper and ink: For a photocopy machine, you need good quality paper and ink. This is important for proper printing and will provide good prints and copies to your customers.

Computer and Printer: You will need a computer and printer so that you can digitally scan the photocopies and print them for necessary editing.

Office Equipment: You will also need office equipment, such as copier, paper shredder, fax machine, etc. These tools will help you meet everyday business needs.

Along with purchasing all this equipment, you also need to take into account the cost of setting up your business. This price may vary depending on the device you choose, its market value and location. In addition to equipment costs, you should also consider other business expenses such as rent, bills, taxes, employee salaries, and business insurance. Photocopying business does not require a lot of expenses, but along with the above expenses, you will also need start-up capital for your business.

Earning in this business?

Photocopy business can earn Rs 25,000 per month, but it is difficult to determine the exact figure as this business depends on many important factors. These factors can be as follows-

Location: How good can be the location of your business. If you are in a highly populated area that requires good graphics and print services, the visibility and profitability of your business can increase.

Equipment: You must have a high-quality photocopy machine, printer, scanner, and related equipment. Your trading performance may vary depending on the functionality and performance of these tools.

Graphics and Design Skills: Learn in the Photocopying Business

Just bring a machine worth ₹8000 and earn ₹2000 daily – Small Business Idea

Small Business Idea: 

Hello dear friends, today we are bringing a very wonderful business for you which you can do easily, this business can also be started at low cost. Therefore, today we are going to tell you about this business because we will tell you about such a business in which the cost is very low and your business can give you a lot of income. So that your financial crisis can be overcome and you can live your life happily, hence we have thought of a business for you which is going to prove very beneficial for you. Yes friends, as you know, we bring you new business ideas every time which prove to be very effective for you. And you can overcome your financial problems through these businesses and live a good life. Friends, let me tell you that you also know how to do business. It is not easy, but if you have made up your mind that you have to do business, then you can easily do any business and achieve success in it. Our formula for business is that you start it after getting complete information about the business, only then you can achieve success in it. Let us know about this excellent Small Business Idea which is going to prove very good for you.

Small Business Idea: Juice Center Shop Business

Friends, today I have brought a very good business suggestion for you which lasts in the market only for 12 months. Yes friends, let me tell you that today I have brought the juice center shop business for you. This business is a very successful and very simple business, you can start it very easily at low cost. Because the demand for this business remains high in the market and if we talk about the cost, it is very low cost. You just don't have to do anything, you just have to buy a juice machine so that you can extract juice and start this business. Yes friends, as you know, nowadays everyone likes to drink juice to stay healthy. And juices are available in the market at very expensive prices and different types of juices are made. Which are very popular in India, hence this business can prove to be a very successful business for you.

Fruit juice is beneficial for the body

Friends, let me tell you as you also know how beneficial fruit juice is for the body and in what large quantities it is used. Let me tell you that if you produce fruit juice in your juice centre, it will sell easily because you also know that juice is beneficial for the body of every sick or healthy person. That's why every person likes to drink this. You can prepare juice by purchasing different types of fruits from the market. The fruits will be available to you in the market all the time. You can buy fruits anytime and bring them to your juice center and make juice from them and you also know how many people use it for the benefits of juice.


Dear friends, let me tell you that if we talk about juice center business, now it comes to what will be the cost in this business, then let us tell you that for this business you will need a shop. If you have a shop then you will not need to take it on rent and you can buy the juice machine which is easily available in the market. You will easily get it in the market for up to ₹ 8000. This means that you can easily start this business with a budget of ₹ 8000 to ₹ 10000. And you know that once started, this business will run very smoothly and will earn you a good income.


Friends, let me tell you that if we talk about profit in this business, then you can easily earn up to ₹ 2000 per day through this business. Which is very easy because you also know that the number of people drinking juice in India is very high. Every person likes to drink juice because it maintains good health and gives strength to the body. Therefore, running this business is possible in any situation and it can easily earn you up to ₹ 2000 per day. You can easily start this business, it is a very good business and profitable business which is going to prove very beneficial for you.

Even a 5 year old child can do this work and earn Rs 25 thousand per month – Business Idea

Business Idea
Business Idea: Even a 5 year old child can earn 27 to 28 thousand rupees per month, just need to understand and adopt the method. Lakhs of youth are searching for business ideas, but apart from business, the investment in it is so high that people give up. In such a situation, there is a good option for you to earn money sitting at home through social media, which is called online business idea.

If you really want to earn 27 to 28 thousand rupees. So read today's article completely. Because we are going to tell you those ways through which you can easily improve your skills sitting at home, create a new source of income with your family with the help of your hidden talent and live a happy life.

There are many business ideas written where apart from small business ideas and village business ideas, we have also shared with you online business ideas for nearby employment, once it is complete read more. If you want to work from home then read here. Let us move towards the article and learn in detail how you can earn 27 to 28 thousand rupees online sitting at home.

Earn 27 to 28 thousand rupees in this way from freelancing

Freelancing: There is an online platform where you can earn more profits by doing different types of work, apart from this you can also earn good income online by working on Upwork, Toptal. Fiverr is also one such platform

Which has more than 60 million active users every month and especially in India the number of freelancers is very high and people are earning lakhs of rupees. If you are a good content writer, have good knowledge of SEO, video editing, web designing, website development, digital marketing, then you can provide online coaching with the help of this online service.

People come to this platform and see the profiles to see who can be the best for them who can make our work easier and complete the work faster. Here people charge different rates for different jobs, if you are good at writing, can do impeccable work as a content writer, then you can set different rates as to how many words you can write and who will pay them. Can give some content. Yes, you are paid accordingly.

The advantage of freelancing is that whatever you do, the money is deposited in your bank account every month. If you want payment in 15 days then you get payment in 15 days, here you are the master of your mind, you can work whenever you want, but when the client hires you then you have to pay attention to these things. needed.

If you want to work then you should work and give it in your stipulated time, this will give you good response and your profile will also be enriched, due to which you will start getting work daily.

For this you have to go online and create your profile and based on the jobs displayed there, you can select the job of your interest. It is completely free, you do not need to invest a single rupee. You just have to always be active, as soon as someone mails you and says that we want to do this work, you reply to it and get the work done for your client quickly, thank you.

Disclaimer: All the information given here has been taken through the internet, some things may be up or down in it, our website will not be responsible in any way for this.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Do this business in just ₹ 500, you will earn Rs 30 thousand per month - Business Idea

Business Ideas

Business Idea: Flowers are always useful. Flower business is a 12 month long business. More than 33 crore gods and goddesses are worshiped every day in our India. Flowers are in demand in any festival, apart from this, flowers are also required in wedding, birthday, anniversary and party functions. Flower business is also abundant during elections, so flower business in India is a very profitable business, let's get detailed information about this business.

Do flower business like this

You can do flower business in many ways, take orders for wedding, party, birthday, because wedding requires decoration. Which is decorated with different types of flowers, you can also get employment by taking orders in such functions. You can make a flower bouquet and send it. There is a good demand for colorful flower bouquets in the market. You can also make and sell different types of flower necklaces, flower necklaces are also sold well.
You can get training in garland making, bouquet making, bouquet packing etc. at some place, because ideally if you learn garland, bouquet making and packing then more customers will come to your shop. So your business will grow rapidly, because the better the packing of flowers and bouquets, the greater will be the beauty of the flowers.
The beauty of flowers is very important, you have to learn this. Always use fresh flowers. When you bring flowers to sell, bring only as much as you can sell in a day because if your shop is filled with too many flowers, the color of the flowers will become stale by the next day. You have to take special care of this.

buy flowers from here

You need to find a good flower supplier in your urban area, who can provide you good quality fresh flowers at a good price. You can also contact a gardener who can provide you good quality fresh flowers from the farm at cheap prices. It is very important to buy flowers from a place where the quality of the flowers is fresh and good. Pay special attention to the beauty and quality of flowers. Because people are more attracted towards good quality flowers.

Select developing locations

It is very important to choose a place for flower business, your shop should be in a place where there are temples, because worship is done at religious places, flowers will be sold well in such places. If you want, you can set up your shop even in crowded areas of the city because you will get a lot of profit by choosing such places.

Total Cost and Profit in Flower Business
You don't need a lot of money to start a flower business. You can start a business with an investment of Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000. 2 times to 3 times profit in flower business. If you bring cheap flowers, make garlands, bouquets etc.

And sell them at retail prices then you can earn Rs 1000 to 1500 per day. Hence it generates a lot of revenue during weddings and festivals, the longer your shop runs, the more profit you will make.

Disclaimer: All the information given here has been taken through the internet, some things may be up or down in it, our website will not be responsible in any way for this.


मयंक यादव, IPL 2024 में लखनऊ सुपर जायंट्स (LSG) के लिए एक तेज गेंदबाज़, दो लगातार मैचों में शानदार प्रदर्शन किया। RCB के खिलाफ हुए म...